The trademark registration application rejection rate in the United Kingdom is much higher than in the EU. This means that much more effort is required in Great Britain compared to other European countries. So, how to successfully register your trademark in the UK? Read this article to find out.

Why is trademark registration in the United Kingdom so difficult?

According to the World Intellectual Property Indicators Report, the successful trademark registration rate in the United Kingdom is 78.7%. Meanwhile, in the European Union, it reaches a 90% level. This proves that the process in the UK is harder. But why is it so?

The 1994 Trade Marks Act is quite complicated and detailed, compared to other countries. It is written in legalise, so understanding it might prove problematic for non-lawyers. As a result, many companies fail to comply with the requirements.

How to conduct a successful UK trademark registration?

Before applying, you need to go through a thorough UK trademark search. This will help your company avoid being accused of copying an already existing logo or emblem. The next step should be consulting a lawyer, who would explain all the requirements to you. Finally, you should design a trademark that will comply with the legislation.

Another option to do that is to hire a United Kingdom trademark registration agency. The lawyers in such companies have a perfect knowledge of the Trade Marks Act. This means that they can give you accurate advice on your logo and how to register it successfully. They will also complete all the formalities for you – so the whole process will be effortless.

The takeaway

The UK has a significantly higher trademark registration rejection rate than the EU. You need to complete a thorough trademark search in the United Kingdom in order to ensure your success. No matter whether you are using the services of a professional agency, or you attempt to go through this process on your own, you might want to consult legal professionals. They will explain the 1994 Trade Marks Act for you.

Author Profile

Anna Muller
Hallo, mein Name ist Anna Müller und ich bin eine Expertin im Bereich Marketing. Mit über 10 Jahren Erfahrung in der Branche habe ich zahlreiche erfolgreiche Kampagnen für verschiedene Unternehmen geleitet. Meine Leidenschaft für Kreativität und Strategie hat mir geholfen, innovative Lösungen zu finden, um das Wachstum und die Bekanntheit meiner Kunden zu steigern. Ich bin stolz darauf, als Autorin mehrerer Bücher und Artikel in meinem Fachgebiet zu gelten und freue mich darauf, mein Wissen und meine Erfahrung mit anderen zu teilen.
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